What is skill based match making? Why’s it so common even though everyone on the internet seems to hate it?


What the title says.

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15 Answers

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Skill based matchmaking means creating matches of people who have similar levels of skill. The idea is to create games where it’s more competitive.

Unfortunately if there are a small pool of players it can take longer to find fair matches so you have to wait longer. And if players are too far apart the game can be laggy.

The alternative is connection based matchmaking where you try to match based on who is closest to you. This usually results in faster matchmaking times and lower lag in matches. The problem is it also creates very lopsided matches.

Imagine if your favorite professional sports team was matched up against your local high school team of the same sport. It wouldn’t be pretty.

So why do a lot of vocal gamers dislike skill based matchmaking? Because it’s bad for their egos.

Imagine if you had 20 players. If players in the top 5 were always matched up against players in the bottom 5, they would pretty much always win. Probably feels great for the top 5, but miserable for the bottom 5. Now, what if the top 5 had to play each other? That’s like of two pro teams compete. The chance of one winning all the time drops AND we know at least one of them will lose. Meanwhile if you match the bottom 5 against each other it’s a more even playing field.

Unfortunately outside competitive gaming where you are gaurenteed to face opponents your same skill level (more or less) because of how tournaments work, a lot of mid to high level gamers prefer being able to beat up on lower skilled opponents because it inflates their stats and lets them think they are better than they are. They would rather dominate over and over against weaker players because that’s the only way they have fun. The majority of players benefit from skill based matchmaking but the most vocal complainers are usually the ones who don’t. That’s why it SEEMS like “everyone” hates it. They don’t, just the loud ones.

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