What is so bad about psilocybin that classifies as a schedule 1 drug?


Doesn’t it actually have some medical benefits such as helping with cancer or mental health problems and depression?

In: 6

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I listened to an interview recently where someone (David Nutt) who was researching psilocybin spoke about how ridiculous the restrictions are. In order to be allowed to research it in his lab, he had to dedicate a special, locked room for it’s storage, and it had to contain some uber secure safe and a bunch of other precautions.

He then asked the people “Why can’t I just keep it in the locked storeroom downstairs we we keep the *literal heroin and cocain*e *we use* for other research?”

The main reason though, officially speaking at least, is that drugs in schedule 1 are deemed to have “no medical benefits.” Even though other drugs like opiates might be more dangerous, they can be used as a medication in a hospital setting, therefore gets a lower schedule. The whole system is fucked though, since once a drug gets schedule-oned it makes it almost impossible to do any research on it that would be able to change it’s scheduling, even with insane restrictions like “we’ll allow you to research it only if the research proves the negative side effects and nothing positive.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing. I don’t even think it’s “the man” trying to control free thought. I think alcohol, tobacco, and big pharma got rich quick and lobbied to ban everything else.

I could even imagine a world where cocaine and opium (not saying crack and heroin – i think those are products of the black market – though grain alcohol exists so maybe not) were fully legal but alcohol and tobacco were schedule 1 – I think it all comes down to money.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A bad trip can make u go crazy forever… not enough risk?

Anonymous 0 Comments

President Richard Nixon and his cronies started the war on drugs to persecute and prosecute civil rights blacks, anti war hippies and leftist in general. His drug war general admitted it, on video recording in the 1990s. It was horseshit propaganda from day one. Guess what, it backfired spectacularly and created a cartel related national security nightmare on the Mexican border, created and militarized both drug gangs and police task forces. All over a vicious political and racist agenda promulgated by the most laughably corrupt american president to hold office until recent history.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Literally nothing. Nixon used “drugs” as a culture war wedge in the 70’s when drug using hippies were undermining his administration’s military policy and Black and brown people were protesting for equal rights. So weed, shrooms, and acid, anything the “open your mind” crowd and their affiliates says is pretty cool is now illegal, there’s a plan in place to flood inner city black communities with crack, and all of it is now “super illegal” so all the Nixon detractors and rabble rousers go straight to federal prison forever. The government gets to hold the ignorant greater populace in perpetual fear of “drug using minorities” who want to change the status quo. Welcome to the War on Drugs™.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nixon’s admin banned psychedelics and marijuana in part to disenfranchise the hippies and black communities. This was in part at least because they were groups that disproportionately opposed the Vietnam war going on at the time that was getting less and less popular.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nixon and Reagan hated black people and hippys. It is illegal to arrest people because they are black and hippy so instead they looked at things Blacks(weed) and hippys(LSD/Psilocybin) like and make them illegal. Black folks didn’t do enough drugs so Reagan illegally traded weapons to terrorists in exchange for cocaine, created crack and flooded poor and minority neighborhoods with the cheap drug. Then, because of the alleged predominance of crack use in inner cities, police could brutalize and murder anyone they want because they might have drugs.
