what is software updates mean? How inner things work?


When you as a developer , how you give a update for user. How is it working inside. The software is online and it’s not fully uninstalled and installed again.
But how?

How do they update certain parts of a program without just clean it up from HDD.

I don’t have any idea!

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For most modern consumer devices, like phones, the software is basically just one large file on a storage chip inside the device. A software update involves just writing a second file containing the updated software, and then resetting the device so that it runs the new software instead of the old software. Once the new software starts okay, it’s safe to discard the old file.

This is a safer approach than what they used to do, which was to bundle all of the changed files in an update and go through a detailed process of updating all of a little individual files in your operating system. This was prone to error and hard to do while the system was running. It’s more robust to clearly separate out the OS image from the data and configuration on devices like this, and that lets you simplify how updates occur.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A software is (often) made of many files. An update typically changes some, but not all of those files. You download the changes, override the files, delete anything unneeded and add things that are newly needed. That leaves most of the program untouched – if you’re changing 2 image files, there’s no reason to move any of the audio files, for example.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If your car has a damaged part, you typically don’t junk your car and buy a whole new one with a good part in it. You just replace the bad part with a working one.

Software works the same way. If it’s designed well, a computer program is segmented into individual pieces that can be swapped out without affecting the other pieces. So if the devs upgrade a component or fix a problem it has, you only need to replace the old component with the new one.