There are plenty of different branches of solipsism, but the center point of them all is this: I know that my mind exists, because I’m experiencing that. But everything outside of my mind may not exist. After all, what would be the difference between another person out there, living their own life, having their own thoughts, vs. my own mind creating the image of another person out there who *seems* to have their own life and thoughts, but is actually just a figment of my imagination? From my spot here in my brain, there’s no actual difference, so how can I know that anything outside of my own head is real?
Like I said, there are different branches – and I’m no solipsist, so I certainly couldn’t go in depth on them all. Some people believe that the entire world they experience truly is just a fake world put on by their head, and that they’re the only real person in it. Some people take it more as a philosophical point – saying “since I only know that I exist, I will prioritize my own benefit over others in all cases.” Some simply believe that the outside world can’t be *proven* to truly exist, but live their lives as though it does. It’s a messy epistomological question.
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