What is Space?

1.02K viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Imagine a big, dark sky with shiny stars and planets where astronauts go on adventures.

In: Planetary Science

9 Answers

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Asking what space is, is like asking what New York is like while sitting in central ark.

You yourself are currently in space, just on or near the surface of a planet.

Most of space is different from the part of it we are currently in.

Most of space is empty.

There is nothing or very close to nothing there.

This means unlike down here, there is no air in most places and no place to stand on.

Occasionally in this vast emptiness you have stars. We just happen to be close to on: our sun.

Also there are a bunch of rocks big and small everywhere. We happen to stand on one.

Between the ground we stand on, the air we breath and the sun that shines on us, our little corner of space is atypical.

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