What is space made out of? What is the blackness in space?


What is space made out of? What is the blackness in space?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blackness is just the absence of light. Because light to our knowledge only stops once it hits something or is diverged through smaller particles it passes through, it is “absorbed” by these things. Space is so vast and so there’s always going to be darkness because of how light ultimately travels.

As for itself, space is filled with remnants of many elements that were released in the big bang. There’s also the ongoing discussion of dark matter, which is potentially a form of gravity that exists.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As for what space is made out of, I don’t know. It’s basically just a volume in which matter and energy can exist. Especially when combined with time as a fourth dimension, it has been described as a “fabric” because things behave differently depending on where they are, leading us to believe it has a slightly non-uniform structure.

But what is the blackness? Simple: the absence of light. There’s a negligible amount of “stuff” in a given volume of space, and deep space appears black because there’s no discernible light coming from that direction. The sky is blue on earth because the sun’s light gets scattered and becomes ambient, but in space, if a light isn’t shining directly into your eyes from the source or from a reflection, you can’t see the object. So a lot of it appears black.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read somewhere that 5% is made up of baryons(not sure if spelt right) they make up atoms and whatnot.
25% is dark matter (hard to explain)
And 75% is dark energy (you got me, I don’t really understand it either but it is fascinating)

Of course they can’t accurately measure the universe but that’s the figures I remember them talking about

Anonymous 0 Comments

Space isn’t “made” out of anything; it’s, mostly, where stuff _isn’t_. It’s speckled with stars here and there, a lot of which are clumped into galaxies, and smaller things like comets or asteroids, but most of space is staggeringly empty.

(There’s some cutting-edge theoretical physics hypotheses about how, if you look really REALLY small, much smaller than protons pr neutrons, space is made out of other mathematical stuff. But you need the advanced math to even try to follow those, so in general people work with “space is what’s left when you take all the matter away”, and “space is what lets you have distances between things”.)

Similarly, space, when youi’re not looking directly at a star (including our Sun) or something starlight is reflecting off of (like our Moon, or Jupiter), is dark because … there isn’t any light there. Nothing about space intrinsically glows. And, since the universe is expanding, we don’t run into the Olbers Paradox – most of the directions you look DON’T have a very far-away star exactly in that direction.

(Though if you want to blow your mind a little bit, look up the ‘cosmic microwave background’ – there IS a glow, left over from a while after the Big Bang, but it’s so red-shifted and stretched that human eyes can’t see it, it’s down with microwaves now.)

–Dave, hoping to illuminate

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is not something science knows for sure, yet. However, I’ll give you what I think is the most plausible “probably” out of all the “maybes” we have. But I want to emphasize: this is NOT settled science at all.

There is a quantum phenomenon called “entanglement”. Basically, it is a situation where two particles are “connected” together. This connection is unique in that the two particles seen to convey information between each other *faster than the speed of light*.

That baffled scientists, since *c* is supposed to be the speed limit of space. Well, after a ton of work by many people, the likely solution is that entanglement uses wormholes to be entangled with each other.

**What does it all mean**? Well, there is some heavy duty math done that shows that if you start thinking about all the entangled particles in the whole universe, *they start to resemble spacetime*. As of there are quantum size threads weaving together spacetime itself.

This would mean that spacetime is NOT fundamental, but is instead emergent from a deeper fundamental process.

**I repeat: this is all a hypothesis. It could be completely wrong**.

Of you’d like to learn more about the more complicated details, go on YouTube and look for videos featuring a physicist named Susskind. Specifically his work in ER=EPR.