What is space made out of? What is the blackness in space?


What is space made out of? What is the blackness in space?

In: Other

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of people are answering “Space is made out of nothing” but from my understanding that is wrong.

“Nothing” more aptly describes what existed before the big bang, as well as everything outside the universe.

Space is decidedly made out of *something*. That *something* is the medium through which electromagnetic waves travel; it’s what mass exists in. Waves of motion travel through the medium of water, but you wouldn’t describe the ocean as “nothing.” Sound waves travel through air, and you wouldn’t describe the atmosphere as “nothing.” In the same way you can’t describe space as “nothing.” We know *something* is there, because when it gets disturbed we can see it get [distorted.](https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/chandra/news/black-hole-image-makes-history) From what I know, we just don’t know how to yet describe the *something* that the medium of space is.

As for what is the “blackness” of space? That is more a biological phenomenon. If your retina isn’t being stimulated by photons, your brain interprets that as black. The blackness of space is just an area where there aren’t enough photons reaching your eye to be perceived as a color. There is most certainly *something* there, though it may not be giving off photons for you to perceive (like looking through a glass of perfectly still clear water, you may not even see the water in the glass; but when it gets disturbed, we can see it get [distorted](https://as2.ftcdn.net/jpg/02/31/34/53/500_F_231345349_vE07qaA9sebjxHoJ6zz9uLJpXnnxpmea.jpg)).

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