What is Steve Jobs bias?


What is Steve Jobs bias?

In: 51

5 Answers

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The Steve Jobs bias is thinking the gap between how you envision users will use your product – and how users actually use your product is lower as opposed to reality

In other words you think you understand how your customers will use your product, when you really don’t.

The trap in industry is giving consumers only what they think they want. Building a product based on customer suggestions and seeing how they use it, vs you telling them how to use it.

The most successful products are those that innovate new ideas and drive the market, while products that customize themselves to suit specific requirements of customers are doomed to obscurity.

That was one of the secrets of Steve Jobs and Apple’s success is they didn’t sit around waiting for consumers to show them direction on a product, they steered consumers in the direction Apple wanted to go.

Don’t build a cellphone based around how people are using it now, build the device and interface that you want people to use instead. Don’t build a better flip phone because that’s what everyone is used to, build a smartphone that will change how they use the device entirely. Now everyone and their dog owns a smartphone and flip phones have gone the way of the dodo.

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