What is the 4th Dimension?


I cant really wrap my head around what it is and how if it is possible.

In: 6

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Are you talking about a spatial dimension or Time, the fourth dimension we experience (ish)?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I assume you mean a 4th spacial dimension. Bluntly, nobody can really wrap their head around it. We live in a universe with 3 dimensions and our brains evolved to handle that. We can write formulas that show that more dimensions are possible and that they’re just so small that they’re basically drowned out by the 3 big ones.

The best source I’ve ever seen to understand how this might be is from this YouTube video where they ask you to imagine a 3rd dimension of you were a 2d being. Enjoy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If there is a 4th dimension, then us having a 3D-perspective means that by definition we wouldn’t be able to view 4th dimension.

* 1st dimension viewpoint = tunnel vision. 2D would be around the tunnel (on the same horizontal level). You could see something appear and then disappear, which in fact happens to be a train cutting **across** the tunnel (not through it).
* 2nd dimension = like living **within** a piece of paper (360-degree **horizontal** view). But someone with this viewpoint would have no concept of higher or lower. A pen being pushed through the paper by a higher-dimension person would, to the 2D person look like something appearing and then disappearing in the horizon.

3rd dimension = complete 360-degree horizontal and vertical view. On this bases, I’d guess a 4th-dimension being would be outside the 3d realm and so would have a concept of being able to “move in and out of” the 3d dimension which, to ourselves would look like someone appearing and disappearing.

But how they are able to do this would be incomprehensible (intuitively) due to our limited perspective. Though we may be able to work it out through physics and maths etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you talk about dimensions, you are really just talking about how many numbers you need to describe a point or a direction in space. You need to be able to say how high up it is, how far to the left or right it is, and how far forwards or back it is. If you have these three numbers (and a reference point), you can describe, precisely, any position in space. If you only have two dimensions, say on a map where you only have latitude and longitude, those two numbers can’t tell you how high up or deep down something is. So strictly speaking, there are only 3 spatial dimensions.

We can describe a system where you need four numbers to specify a position. But since that wouldn’t be a description of our real world, our brains really, really struggle to imagine it, because it doesn’t really exist.

When you are talking about something happening over time, you still only need three numbers to describe its position in space, but you also need to describe *when* it happens. Since this is now four numbers, time is often called the “fourth” dimension. But since we experience it very differently from how we experience space, we don’t naturally think of it that way.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

[Although it’s strongly debated](https://phys.org/news/2012-04-physicists-abolish-fourth-dimension-space.amp), those interested in [general relativity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_relativity) consider time as the 4th dimension. And since [time can bend](https://futurism.com/time-travel-bend-time), the *curvature of time* is the 5th dimension.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is one of the best explanations I’ve seen: https://youtu.be/0t4aKJuKP0Q?si=sj5hXIod8_I3Si4g

Anonymous 0 Comments

Time is the 4th dimension. When you ask someone to meet you, you essentially give them 4 coordinates. X,y,z for spatial, and then t for time. If any of the coordinates are incorrect you will miss them.

If you are talking about additional spacial dimensions, as others have noted, it’s just a concept, we don’t have any evidence for addtional dimensions other than what’s required for string theory to work, and that’s not really evidence.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the realm of God and the entire spiritual realm operates in the 4th dimension. Yes we can operate in in now. I operate in it on a regular basis. It’s the realm that is above your mind and it actually controls everything below it including your mind. Anyone who operates in the 4th dimension instead of operating mostly in the mind through logic and reasoning, dominates the 3rd dimension. This person can speak whatever they desire and they get it as they stand on what they see or hear in the 4th dimension.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Take a single point. Push it across. That’s the first dimension. Now take that line and push it down. That’s the second dimension. Now take that square and push it forward. That’s the third dimension. Now push that cube in another dimension. That’s the fourth dimension.