What is the actual shape of an atom?


In chemistry and physics class, they visualise them as plastic marbles with sticks to connect them to eachother, but what is the true shape of an atom? It also contains quarks and has spinning electrons and neutrons around it. Is it a cloud? How does atomic matter actually look?

In: 69

10 Answers

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The best way to visualize reality is to think of it like a giant ocean of liquid energy wherein some waves look different from other waves and there are even different types, shapes, and amplitudes of waves. Our brains just say “oh, this wave looks like this and that wave looks like that”, but at the end of the day, it’s all just an ocean of chaotic energy.

Physics, chemistry, and science in general, is the task of coming up with conventions to describe the different types and shapes of waves and to predict how these waves affect and interact with each other. The exact point/moment in which one wave interacts or changes another wave is what we call ‘particles’. They’re less separate ‘things’ and more separate ‘moments’ of that singular same thing (the ocean).

They don’t look like ‘anything’, really. It’s just a vast cosmic ocean of chaos and our brains like to pick out the little pockets of patterns that look ‘ordered’ to our frail and feeble minds.

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