I’m surprised any clinic is offering IVF in these virulent anti-abortion states before this ruling. The other part of IVF is usually they make as many embryos as possible. Next they test them and implant the ones that have the best chance at a live, healthy birth. This can be anything form 1-7 depending on the treatment. If it is a higher number the next step is to go in and selectively reduce down to two or one. These people who had seven kids or whatever did the first part of the IVF and then refused that last part. Multiple births on a woman who was already having issues causes a ton more complications.
It is just so illogical to me that god is the reason for all life being sacred. Then people turn to science to have babies because that God fellow didn’t make the babies happen. THEN people get all OMFG embryos are people! JFC pick science or God.
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