What is the benefit of washing clothes in warm water? Can’t they all be washed cold and still come out clean?


What is the benefit of washing clothes in warm water? Can’t they all be washed cold and still come out clean?

In: 57

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

IT is a lot easier to remove the dirt if the water is warmer. Try was dishes by and yo notice the same thing. The colder the water the longer time you need.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Certain bacteria/germs don’t get killed with cold water. So things like underwear, towels and bedsheets is a good idea to wash at higher temps (60 degrees). If not these items can start to develop some funky smells overtime.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you use a modern detergent they can be washed in cold water. Warm water works better for cleaning in general because it has less surface tension and it can dissolve more solids, but detergents these days use surfactants and enzymes so they work as well in cold water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Certain substances, such as dirt, stains, and oils, are more soluble, or able to dissolve, in warm water than in cold water because the molecules in warm water are moving faster and have more energy, allowing them to break apart and dissolve substances that are otherwise insoluble in cold water. Additionally, warm water can also help to increase the effectiveness of detergents by activating the chemical compounds in the detergent that are responsible for cleaning.

Anonymous 0 Comments

a lot of dirts are made of oil, wax, and/or grease. they are softened by heat and that makes them easier to remove.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Warm will clean better. But it will also wear out your clothes faster. Cold water increases clothing lifespan and cleans well enough

Anonymous 0 Comments

If your clothes are generally clean, and just need to get eid of smell and sweat, use cold water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clean(no smell/stains) more than likely but germ free? probably not

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chemical reactions double in speed e wry 7 degrees C or so. Heat knocks things together, basically.

Anonymous 0 Comments

sustained temperatures over 50 degrees C (122 F) kill bed bugs and dust mites: [https://www.sleepadvisor.org/dust-mites-in-bed](https://www.sleepadvisor.org/dust-mites-in-bed/)/