What is the best way to identify correctly if a song is in C major scale or A minor scale, because notes are all the same?


What is the best way to identify correctly if a song is in C major scale or A minor scale, because notes are all the same?

In: Other

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s great that you’re asking questions! This one would usually be phrased just a little differently … instead of saying “C major scale” or “A minor scale,” you might ask

Is this song in the key of C major or the key of A minor? Or more simply,

Is this song in C major or A minor?

There’s no need to mention scales, because you’re asking about a song, not scales.

If a guitarist played you a scale, and asked if it was major or minor, *then* it would be appropriate for you to say “that was a major (or minor) scale.”

You didn’t say anything wrong – far from it. And the last thing I’d want to do is discourage you as you’re beginning a wonderful journey.

In a way, it’s like learning a new language; it takes a little while before the appropriate grammar becomes intuitive. Keep asking questions, and it will all come naturally in no time.