What is the cause of the déjà-vu feeling?


What is the cause of the déjà-vu feeling?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A minor glitch in your memory, after which the observation is reloaded, giving you the sensation that you’ve seen this before.

You have seen this before, 0.06 seconds ago.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The part of your brain that handles “I recognize that” is different than the part of the brain that handles “I remember that.”

Deja vu is when the “recognize” part fires without the “remember” part also firing at the same time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nobody knows but the theory is that it’s just a spark that fires wrong inside your head when you “remember” seeing it or experiencing something like a tenth of second ago and then again.

Or it’s a Matrix thing who knows!