What is the difference between a Catch 22 situation and a Hobson’s Choice situation?

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Or are they basically the same? Thank you for any help.

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7 Answers

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Hobson’s choice is a false choice, the illusion of choice. The outcome is always the same, regardless of what you pick. Like, if I give you a box (that contains $100, but you don’t know), and ask you to pick either the box or $100… that’s a hobson’s choice. You’ll get $100, doesn’t matter what you pick. Or the classic Ford example – you can get the model-T in any color, so long as it’s black.

A catch-22 has nothing to do with choice at all. A catch 22 is when you have two linked things, where one presupposes the other, and vice versa.

For example:

1- to get rich, you have to have good connections.

2- to get good connections, you have to be rich.

As you see, this has nothing to do with choice – you are either already rich, and therefore have good connections, or you aren’t, and therefore can’t become rich, since to do it you would need the connections first, and you can’t get those unless you’re already rich. Choice doesn’t play any part in it, you don’t get to “choose” anything.

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