What is the difference between a partner and a stakeholder in a business organization?


Specifically, not at an owner/exectutive level, more in middle management, adjacent roles are often referred to as partners or stakeholders. How can you distinguish objectively between the two? Examples appreciated.

I’m having trouble distilling this concept down, thus why its in eli5. One example of a partnership I know gets referenced frequently is: engineering manager is a partner to a product owner. I’ve heard SEO experts, or marketing being stakeholders but im not sure if thats correct.

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Partnerships in the business sense is a type of organization. So a partner has a specific legal and fiduciary meaning. A partner has a share in the profit of the business and typically also contributes directly in the running of the business. (this can be searched)

A stakeholder is simply some party or individual with an interest or is affected by the business. It could be a neighbor, an employee, major customer, major supplier, the bank that lends money to the company, the landlord etc etc. It is not a legally defined term normally. The use of this term is informal.

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