What is the difference between a router and a modem?


I’m confused, I used to think that modem are an old thing now and nobody uses them as modems have a SIM installed in them for internet connection through ISP and it’s like a pen-drive which is insertable to a any PC like normal Pen-drives.

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11 Answers

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A modem is a device that converts the incoming signal from your ISP to a usable internet connection, so you can hook up your computer to the internet. That connection only has one IP address (WAN). A router is a device that coordinates traffic for multiple devices to access the internet from the one connection provided by your modem. It also supplies IP addresses for devices on your local network (LAN) and routes the IP traffic to the right destination (computer to internet, smartphone to thermostat, etc) A switch is a device that provides multiple physical connections to a router to allow devices to communicate on the local network. A wireless access point is a device that physically connects to your network that produces an area of wifi for devices to connect to the local network. Most ISP’s provide you with one device that contains all of these together to make your life easier. Most people call this device a modem or a router. Either is technically correct. High-end networks still use separate devices for each because they are better than what you get from your ISP, but you will be paying good money for that equipment.

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