What is the difference between a router and a modem?


I’m confused, I used to think that modem are an old thing now and nobody uses them as modems have a SIM installed in them for internet connection through ISP and it’s like a pen-drive which is insertable to a any PC like normal Pen-drives.

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11 Answers

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Modems aren’t old, you use them every single day.

Modem stands for MOdulator/DEModulator. The individual 1s and 0s that your computer/tablet/cellphone sends and receives aren’t 1s and 0s by themselves. They’re converted into a radio signal and sent from one place to another. When it’s converted from 1s and 0s into a signal, it is being modulated. The signal is transmitted to its destination, and then the signal is converted back into 1s and 0s, or demodulated. Dozens of modems are involved in the sending of a single text message from your cellphone.

A router is more of a traffic cop, in that it is figuring out where data is going over a network. The signal comes in, is demodulated by the modem, and the router looks at the header on the data packet. It reads the destination, looks at its address tables, and figures out where next to send the packet. The modem them modulates the data packet again and the data is sent off to the next stop in the chain.

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