What is the difference between a router and a modem?


I’m confused, I used to think that modem are an old thing now and nobody uses them as modems have a SIM installed in them for internet connection through ISP and it’s like a pen-drive which is insertable to a any PC like normal Pen-drives.

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11 Answers

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A simple way for devices to communicate through wires is to use a fixed voltage for each value. This is easy for devices to understand, but it does not travel well through a very long wire like a phone line or a cable. Modulation is a much more complex way to send the signal, but it can go through long wires very easily.

A modem (short for modulator-demolulator) translates between the modulated signal in the line and the simpler signal used by your computer.

A router communicates only in the simple signal, but it can do so with many different devices. (It routs the data to and from whatever uses it)

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