What is the difference between a router and a modem?


I’m confused, I used to think that modem are an old thing now and nobody uses them as modems have a SIM installed in them for internet connection through ISP and it’s like a pen-drive which is insertable to a any PC like normal Pen-drives.

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11 Answers

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A modem is singing the song of it’s people to another modem to transfer data. If the modem is over phone lines, it is doing it in audio frequencies. If it is a cable modem, it is doing it in the hundreds of megahertz range. A modem usually has one output plug that is doing ethernet.


A router is taking that ethernet from the modem and distributing it to the other devices in the building. It could be using hardwired connections or WiFI or both. So when your phone connects to the WiFi, it is relaying data to you that came in over the modem.

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