What is the difference between a sound designer, sound editor, audio engineer, and mixing engineer?


What is the difference between a sound designer, sound editor, audio engineer, and mixing engineer?

In: 7095

18 Answers

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So I have an audio engineering degree and have done some of this work.

sound designer: is someone that makes sound for things that don’t exist in the real world for for example Ben Burtt for star wars was asked to make the sound of a spacecraft lazer shooting so he recorded hitting a wire with metal and edited it to make it sound like what a spacecraft lazer shooting would be like.

Sound editor: would be someone that works for movies, tv, podcasts, or like a YouTube channel that takes recorded audio and edits out parts that they don’t want in, compresses the audio so that people taking quieter will be heard and people that are yelling will be at the same level as the quieter person with you having to turn up and down the volume while listening. Things like that .

Audio engineer: someone that works for example recording a band in a studio putting mics on instruments and recording those into tracks either digitally or to analog tape and uses effects to mix those tracks together so make a rough demo, the demo is then usually sent to a dedicated mixing engineer. They could also work in a live concert setting miking instruments and mixing it together so that a concert is enjoyable and so that the guitar is not way louder than the vocals.

Mixing engineer: is someone is dedicated to mixing the recording engineer would send all the tracks with individual instruments (guitar, bass, hi hat, bass drum, snare drum, cymbols, and so on) and mix those all together so that all the instruments sound good together and a processed properly. They would then sum all those tracks down to one audio file and send it to a mastering engineer

Mastering engineer: they work with just the audio track and edit it to make sure all the frequencys are working together and nothing is to muddy or bright, really the final touches.

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