What is the difference between ADHD and Autism?


Both of them are neurodevelopmental condition and show similar signs. But I can’t fully grasp the major differences here. Please explain.

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5 Answers

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The way I look at it is this:

Autism affects how a person’s brain processes information. It can present in a wide variety of ways depending on what type of information the person isn’t able to process, the extent of their abnormal processing, and whether they have trouble processing inputs or outputs. So it can be as bad as a loud room causing a person to shut down, to not processing emotion, to just being excessively irritated by the feeling of particular fabrics.

ADHD affects a person’s ability to control their executive function. Essentially, they may be unable to control what they’re focusing on. It could present as mild as “being easily distracted” to “being completely unable to focus on anything but the last thing that was mentioned.”

Of course, there are more technical definitions. And these conditions affect both kids and adults. Adults have just figured out ways to cope with their disfunction, so it’s less apparent. And the recent rise in both of these is likely because of better diagnosing practices rather than an actual increase in incidence.

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