What Is The Difference Between Lab-Grown And Naturally Sourced Diamonds?


Lab grown diamonds are artificially created in labs/machines, but their organic makeup is the exact same as ones that come from the ground. Visually there is no difference.

Why do people need to disclose if one is lab made if they are identical in every way? And why do people think less of lab-grown diamonds? Is there a difference?

In: 5

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chemically speaking there isn’t a difference in a high qquality lab grown diamond. But lots of people will still feel that the intrinsic value of a “real diamond” is worth more than the equivalent lab grown for emotional/historic type reasons, and they may hold value better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pure emotion attached to it. When someone says something is “lab-grown” there’s an emotional disconnect. It makes you think of scientists, plus there’s the fact that they’re no longer a status symbol if they’re inexpensive.

It’s safe to say a lot of people are turned off of natural diamonds since finding out the cruelty sometimes found in how they’re mined, but some may still prefer them because they were created by nature and dug up by chance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just the process by which they are produced and collected. One is done through sophisticated machinery by scientists and the other is harvested in mines on the backs of human suffering, greed, and corruption. Of course, the human suffering one is the most desirable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> Why do people need to disclose if one is lab made if they are identical in every way?

Well for one thing you should be able to determine the origin of any diamond you buy. The Kimberley Process was created to keep “conflict” diamonds (used to finance terrorism or warlords) out of the marketplace. This necessitates a verifiable chain of custody going back to where it originally came from. Lab-created diamonds are inherently not conflict diamonds. Mining in general is also less than great for the environment so many people specifically seek out lab versions as the most ethical option.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fairly certain the difference between lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds is that the lab grown ones are free from defects.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing. Don’t buy “real” diamonds. They make a select few people wealthy and exploit the people who were unfortunate enough to be born on top of them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Diamonds have value. They are useful in machinery and a few other applications.

As jewelry they are impractical and serve as ornamentation, a status symbol, and in some ways a symbol of emotional investment. Repeat, they are not practical. They are not important for their material composition.

Some might say it’s like a work of art, with mother nature being the artist.

For generations diamond companies have convinced people that diamonds are an important item and are worth a lot of money, so people pay that money.

Those are invested either emotionally or financially into this construct of acceptance must uphold the scarcity or else their entire house of cards comes falling down. What they have is worthless if anyone else can have it on a whim, and manufacturing diamonds is the greatest threat to their facade.