: what is the difference between regular salt and hydrochloride on the body


For example, if a medicine is sold as *name* hydrochloride and you ingest 1 gram, is it the same as you’d ingest 1 gram of salt, NaCl? Is there any difference between these two on the body? Medicine name is irrelevant I’m only interested if the body perceive it as the regular salt.

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2 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Medicine is often provided as hydrochlorides not for nutritional value but to improve solubility and resorption. 1g of table salt contains much more chloride than 1g of hydrochloride medicine. 1g of sodium chloride contains about 0.6g of chloride, while 1g of oxycodone hydrochloride contains only 0.11g of chloride, for example. Sodium chloride also contains sodium ions in addition to the chloride, which your body also needs.

EDIT: 1g of oxycodone in this example refers to 1g of pure oxycodone. An oxycodone pill only contains 40mg, i.e. 0.04g of oxycodone. The chloride intake from pills is minuscule.