what is the difference between skincare products. For example facial butter and moisturiser


I’m a guy never really been into skincare but seems like there are hundreds of products and different types of products with different features and uses. Cant seem to wrap my head around it. It would be much appreciated if someone can just give me a simple rundown of what the different products are when they should be applied and an order. (if there is one) Also things to avoid like products that have no benefits just being sold and promoted from false marketing and have no actual good uses.

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The problem is there isn’t once answer and it depends on the person.

At the most basic level you want a 50-60 SPF sunscreen on your face and neck even in winter. Never use a spray as it gives uneven coverage. In summer, everywhere that sees sunlight and get a waterproof one as you’re likely to be sweaty. This applies to pretty well everyone.

Beyond that, it’s super person dependent. If you have drier skin you’ll want something that is generally thicker like a butter. When they’re thicker they usually have more fats which helps moisturise. It’s all levels though. Many things can be moisturisers, it just depends how much.

If your skin doesn’t really get dry, don’t bother with a moisturiser or anything. The less you use the better.

The most eli5 answer is: Use sunscreen everyday, no exceptions. After that if you find your skin is dry, pick a moisturiser in a small bottle. If you like it and it works, continue with that one. If your skin is still dry, try to find something that feels thicker, if the first one you chose was too much, try to find something thinner. And just continue until you find something you like.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of skin care products are snake oil. It’s all varying amounts of oils to grease up your skin so it doesn’t look and feel so dry.