I’m considering a trip to Japan in the future and I love langauge learning so I started casually looking at learning a little bit of Japanese and I was seeing reference to 3 different alphabets: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. I read a little bit about them but I’m still somewhat confused on the differences between them and how/when are each used? And if I’m casually learning for future travel, is one better to learn?
In: Other
Katakana: everything not Japanese. Non Japanese words, city names, people’s names.
Hiragana: some Japanese words, and parts of the words. Also grammar. Particles, endings, tenses.
Kanji: most of the words. Usually it’s 1-3 kanji per word.
Example: ケーキを食べたい
Katakana ケーキ – cake (keeki)
Hiragana: を – particle, べたい – part of the word, and grammar
Kanji: 食 – eat. But the whole word is 食べる, so it’s kanji and hiragana.
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