what is the difference between the magnetic north pole and the ‘geomagnetic’ north pole? Remember…I’m 5 here.


I looked it up on Wikipedia; I’ve tried googling.

The explanations use big words and jargon I don’t understand.

In: 19

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The earth has a magnetic field, which is a bit like having a bar magnet skewering the earth.

A compass needle points towards the magnetic north pole of the earth. So, if you stand at the equator, the needle points North. If you stand directly at the magnetic north pole, then the compass needle points directly down towards your feet.

The magnetic south pole is basically the same idea, but it’s where a compass needle points directly up away from the earth.

There’s one slight catch. The magnetic south pole and magnetic north pole don’t actually line up with the centre of the earth – the magnetic field is a bit wonky.

The geomagnetic north and south poles are where the imaginary bar magnet skewer would be, if it went through the centre of the earth and got as close as possible to the magnetic north and magnetic south poles.

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