What is the difference between the side of aluminum foil that is shiny and the side that is dull? Why are they different?


Is it just because of the position when it was rolled or is there a specific use for each side?

In: 1366

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

**”There is no meaningful difference between each side when it comes to the way people normally use it.”**

Wrap the potatoes in dull side out and the onions in the shiny side out before you put them on the BBQ or in the fire. You can tell them apart and potatoes need to cook longer or hotter. Plus, if someone asks for an onion, you can pick it out from the potatoes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone knows the shiny side keeps the CIA from controlling your mind. The dull side keeps the voices in your head from telling God what you’ve been doing. Duh.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shiny side up looks nicer. The superstitious will place shiny side in, to bounce the heat around. Complete hogwash. As are Columbia’s foil ‘dots’ lined long underwear, which makes them colder than regular long underwear… because it’s METAL, against your SKIN. People get funny about the properties of aluminum foil.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because of the way it’s manufactured. There’s no difference in function between the two sides.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Nope! Just bilroduct of how they’re rolled. There’s no side that’s more effective or used for something different

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquids will bead up and roll off the shiny side more easily. Sometimes you want this, sometimes you want to prevent this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the Reynolds Brands page on aluminum foil:

**What side of the foil should I use, shiny or dull?**
With standard and heavy duty foil, it’s perfectly fine to place your food on either side so you can decide if you prefer to have the shiny or dull side facing out. For Reynolds Wrap® Non-Stick Aluminum Foil, you’ll want to have the dull side facing up. A tip is that if you can read the writing on the foil then you have the right side up to get all of the benefits of non-stick foil.

Essentially both sides are the same. The shiny/dull difference is a side effect of the manufacturing process for regular aluminum foil, there’s no technical difference.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Read once the shiny side reflects heat.

Want to protect something from browning or burning in the oven or on the grill shiny side out

Want to keep something warm out of the oven wrap the item with the shiny side inside