What is the difference between the side of aluminum foil that is shiny and the side that is dull? Why are they different?


Is it just because of the position when it was rolled or is there a specific use for each side?

In: 1366

11 Answers

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From the Reynolds Brands page on aluminum foil:

**What side of the foil should I use, shiny or dull?**
With standard and heavy duty foil, it’s perfectly fine to place your food on either side so you can decide if you prefer to have the shiny or dull side facing out. For Reynolds Wrap® Non-Stick Aluminum Foil, you’ll want to have the dull side facing up. A tip is that if you can read the writing on the foil then you have the right side up to get all of the benefits of non-stick foil.

Essentially both sides are the same. The shiny/dull difference is a side effect of the manufacturing process for regular aluminum foil, there’s no technical difference.

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