What is the difference between web2.0 vs web3.0?


Have an ongoing research for work and correct me if I’m wrong but these are what I understood between the two:

-Centralized network\
-Web Browser Technology\
Ex. Google Chrome, Google Drive, Skype
-Focused more on content made by users/social media\
-Mostly control all users data\
-Focused more on community development\
-Allows for read and right functionalities

-Decentralized network\
-Built on top of a blockchain technology
Ex. Brave, Storj, Experty\
-Focused more on data integration\
-Able to monetize certain activities without intermediaries\
-Increased privacy and protection\
-Focuses more on empowering individual user\
-Encourages development of smart applications by using AI, etc.

In: 31

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have a good start. The simplest more philosophical look at it is

Web 1.0 – Sites create and sell the content
Web 2.0 – Users create content, Sites Sell ads to see the content
Web 3.0 – Users create the content, Users use the blockchain to manage and sell the content regardless of the Site.

Has it truly manifested? Not in my opinion.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Web 3.0 isn’t really an actual thing yet so much as a marketing concept to hock crypto products.

Its a forward looking guess of what the internet might be, while 1.0 and 2.0 are descriptions of the internet’s past and present.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The way I understand it, having been there, when Web 2.0 came around it was a reference to two interconnected things: the development of AJAX — which meant a website could update without the whole thing being refreshed, and the establishment of social media.

The way things are going with AI, it looks like that’ll be Web 3.0. But I don’t know much about what else it could mean.

Web 1.0 was, of course, the web. Lots of static pages, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly, we don’t actually know what Web 3.0 is or will be at the moment. To understand why, you need to understand what Web 1.0 and 2.0 actually are.

First, Web 1.0 static websites.

Web 2.0, dynamic websites.

That is all.

Anyone else who says otherwise or anything else is just bullshitting you and trying to sell you a bridge.

About a decade ago, web 3.0 was thought to be the Internet of Things(IoT). Now, people are trying to claim that web 3.0 will be something else, mostly crypto currency/block chain related, but it is unlikely.

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. Content made by site providers, hosted by site providers
2. Content made by users, hosted by providers
3. Content made by users, hosted by users

The idea is that with web3 you don’t need to go to a central site to view someone’s post or send them a message, you can do it directly with the person in question. In practice it’s fairly difficult to avoid some form of central authority without compromising on service availability and/or authentication.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Web2.0 is pretty much what you use today. It allows for dynamic pages.

Web3 and Web3.0 are potentially different. The Web3 is blockchained based sites (decentralized, open source, and user centered). Web3.0 has yet to be determined but it will most likely be decentralized as well.

Here is a video on the subject:

Anonymous 0 Comments

Web3 is just a marketing bs word to use Blockchain and crypto. That’s it. Web3.0 is about semantic web.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Web v1: An artist puts their art on their own website

Web v2: An artist puts their art on someone elses website

Web v3: A scammer tries to sell an artist their own work back to them

Anonymous 0 Comments

Web 1.0 – coders make stuff that they think is cool or useful, no concept of making money out of it
Web 2.0 – coders make stuff that users think is cool or useful, marketers attempt to make money out of it later (but usually fail)
Web 3.0 – marketers/grifters talk about making stuff with the intention of making money out of it, with no real intention of it being cool or useful

Anonymous 0 Comments

Web 3.0 is a bunch of crypto bros hyping up application of blockchain to the website space on the internet. Most to extract money from those that have it under the assumption of FOMO and first in advantage. True Life for major brands for an easy 1 mm usd, why wouldn’t you build your brand site with us CocaCola and get ahead of the pack.

Whereas Web 1.0, Web 2.0 are pure human construct with no really clear line, the underlying technology stays the same. It’s HTTP(s), with your common backend, Apache,ngx,php,python,node,ruby.etc.

Web3 promises the application of Blockchain to the entire stack of technology, it was so pervasive that major companies bought into this crap and tried to make this work. However, it’s a solution looking for a problem, and ultimately bunch of people came out with egg on their face while the con artists behind a lot of this stuff ran off with their money. And since there little to no regulation, work was done, effort was made, something was returned to the client, who is to say the client didn’t get what they paid for. Amplified by a planet in lockdown mode with nothing to do and FOMO running at an all time high.