what is the difference in pixels in the camera and the final image


Like in my understanding in an image a pixel contains RGB values, but in the camera, each R G B is an individual pixel or a group of RGB is a single pixel, Can someone help me to understand this?

In: 5

3 Answers

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Normally, each pixel in the camera is either R, G or B. Typically, there are also twice as many G pixels as there are R or B. So, for a 50 Mp image there are 12,5 million red pixels, 25 million green, and 12,5 million blue pixels.
When the raw image from the camera is converted to something you’d want to view on a screen, the RGB value for each pixel is constructed based on the values of the neighbouring pixels. This is called “de-mosaicing”. So for a red pixel, the R comes from the pixel itself, but the G and B values come from neighbouring pixels (in practice this is more complicated).

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