What is the hazy film that accumulates on the inside of windshields and are we breathing all of that stuff into our lungs? Is that bad?


What is the hazy film that accumulates on the inside of windshields and are we breathing all of that stuff into our lungs? Is that bad?

In: 3

6 Answers

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Do you vape? Vaping tends to leave a film of glycol on the window that’s kind of a pain to take off.

Only asking because I’ve had this issue, and the other comment adequately explains the condensation thing. Note, if its real bad, its possible your heater core is leaking, adding excess moisture to your cabin and a lot more condensation; repairs are good, but you can keep some kitty litter to dehumidify a bit. The air conditioner (even on a warmer setting, so long as its on) will remove some humidity too.

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