What is the importance of length of charging cable with an EV?


This doesn’t seem to apply to 110v what what I’ve been able to tell, unless they are adding an extension cord.

But level 2 or DC chargers appear to have a requirement of about 3-6 feet. Why is this?

What is the importance of the length of cable?

In: Technology

6 Answers

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There is technically no difference between an EV charging cable a regular cable with regards to length and size. In fact the EV charging cables carry the same 110V as your regular cables and the charger is just a smart power switch. What makes EV charging so special is that it draws close to maximum current for a long time. You do not have many appliances which do and if they do then you are not putting them on a regular extension cord. The problem is that the cable will generate heat when you pass a current through it. So when drawing maximum current for an extended period of time you will heat up the cable quite noticeably. This will use up power, deteriorate the rubber insulation and in the worst case might catch fire. So you need to keep the cable as short as possible and make sure it is well ventilated and not coiled up under some rags or something.

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