What is the informal fallacy “Begging the Question” in layman’s terms?


What is the informal fallacy “Begging the Question” in layman’s terms?

In: 95

16 Answers

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I always interpreted it as – If a statement is made, Then there’s logically a questions that needs (Or can be) asked.

‘You are worth 12 million dollars, and can afford anything you want in the world. That begs the question… Why steal that candy bar?’

The fallacy is that the first part is assumed to be true.

Phrased like this:
‘You stole a candy bar and are worth 12 million dollars, which begs the question – Why’

So there, we have assumed that you stole the candy bar and that you are worth 12 million.
Both might not be true at all, and if so means the question doesn’t make sense.

So, Clubthumb12 – Why DID you steal that candy bar? Pretty great lengths to go through for an ELI5 question 😀

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