What is the informal fallacy “Begging the Question” in layman’s terms?


What is the informal fallacy “Begging the Question” in layman’s terms?

In: 95

16 Answers

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Begging the question is when the thing that you’re meant to be proving is used as proof of itself. In other words it’s when you sneak the conclusion into one of your premises.

This is a problem because premises are **always** assumed to be true by default, and so by sneaking the conclusion into the premise youve defeated the point of the argument. For example:

>Premise: people discovered the earth is round
Conclusion: therefore the earth is round

The point of the argument above is to prove the earth is round, but by just declaring that it’s round in the premise, it fails to actually prove that it’s true in the conclusion. The logical proof that the earth is actually round is completely absent from that argument.

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