– what is the limit to how big a ship can really be?


I recently read an article that the Royal Caribbean have just given the go ahead for the largest ever cruise liner to set sail, it’s nearly 1200ft long and has something ridiculous like 5 water slides and a zoo on it (maybe that’s an exaggeration, but you get the point).

It got me thinking – is there a ceiling to how large a boat can be? Does buoyancy have a limit? If you ignored the impracticality of mooring and getting into smaller bodies of water, is the capacity of Ship building limitless?

In: 2380

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is not really any limit to how big a ship can be. If there were a biggest ship hull that was possible you could just take two of these hulls and connect them together to make one twice as large. So there can not be a largest theoretical ship size.

In fact the current largest ship are kind of doing this. It have the hull of a super container ship but have two hulls connected together with big cranes mounted on top of it.

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