What is the logic behind PEMDAS?


I know some places use BIDMAS as well. Overall though, to someone who knows little about mathematics, why is this the correct order? What’s the exact logic behind it

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54 Answers

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There are two other ways of writing equations that don’t have order of operations. They are called prefix and postfix notation, the normal way is called infix notation. for example: “3x^2+2x+1” becomes “x 2 ^ 3 * 2 x * + 1 +” in postfix. you read left to right and when you encounter an operation you take the previous two things and do that operation. There operation and it’s operands are”replaced” with the result value. It looks strange since we’re so use to the normal infix notation. But the intended order is unambiguous. Though there are at least a couple of ways to write that order in postfix. “3 x 2 ^ * 2 x * + 1 +” is another that days the same thing.

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