What is the mechanism that allows birds to build nests, beavers to build dams, or spiders to spin webs – without anyone teaching them how?


Those are awfully complex structures, I couldn’t make one!

In: 613

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As many people have said, it’s “hard wired” into their brains, but I see that this is not a satisfactory answer. While this is not well known, precisely, what that really means is something like this:

In their DNA, the same what that it defines their body shape, and what proteins they’ll produce, it also defines their brain structure. The same way you can practice riding a bike, and it will alter the structure of your brain such that you can ride without thinking, these animals have their brains already structured in a way as to be able to do these tasks without thinking. You no longer think of how to bike once you know how, you just bike.

So it’s the same as any other skill at the brain level, the difference is that they’re born with that structure “hard wired.” Most animals are like this, humans being the exception in terms of brain plasticity (the ability for the brain to change structure due to external stimuli). All animals have varying degrees, and it depends on the behavior, but this is why not all animals can learn anything.

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