What is the “paradox of tolerance” and is it legit?


What is the “paradox of tolerance” and is it legit?

In: 1208

47 Answers

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Like every moral issue it boils down to and can be resolved with the Golden rule: Don’t do unto another what you don’t want to be done to you.

You wouldn’t want the thief of your goods or murderer of your loved one to go unpunished so violations of the Golden rules are (should be) punished. And also in a commensurate manner.

You can’t take things out on people other than those than the perpetrators. Which is where eg the current conflict in Gaza/Israel goes wrong.

Of course this is exacerbated by religion, which grants itself privileges at the expense of others (which goes against the Golden rule, of course). And the cycle continues.

We should take Israel to task for its violations of the Golden rule on the Westbank. And allow it to go after those that shoot rockets/committed heinous terroristic crimes. Collateral damage however is not acceptable (violation of the Golden rule).

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