Accounts with high karma have more posting rights in more subs, and are taken more seriously by other posters.
If a random account shows up in some political sub and starts picking fights about some particular controversial subject for example, if you check their profile and the account has only existed for 3 days and only ever talks about that one subject, you’re likely to brush them off as a fake account.
But if the account has existed for awhile and has high karma from reposting lots of random stuff, you’re more likely to think it’s a real person, engage with it, and therefore help their actual agenda.
But these days, it’s mostly middle-men. State and corporate actors driving agendas will pay very good money for accounts that have high karma and post history. Sometimes $100+ each, if you really look at the marketplaces for this stuff. So it’s become a good business to bot karma farm, then flip the accounts en masse to state, corporate, and political actors.
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