– What is the political compass cause I still can’t understand it


– What is the political compass cause I still can’t understand it

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It basically just visually show your overall political opinion. It is divided into four areas (libleft, libright, authleft, and authright).

Libertarian (usually part of the two bottom areas) means that you believe the government should have less power and the people should be able to do what they want to do (either that’s absolute or not).

Authoritarian (usually part of the two top areas) means that you believe the government should have more power and the people should not be able to do what they want to do (although they might retain some rights or just not have any).

Left means that the government should intervene in the economy more (more regulations and control) and/or private property (owned by someone who is not part of government) should not exist or exist to an extent.

Right means that the government should intervene in the economy less (less regulations and control) and/or private property should exist.

Combined Libertarian or Authoritarian (which are social policies) and Left or Right (which are economical policies) and you would get LibLeft, LibRight, AuthLeft, and AuthRight.

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