What is the quadratic equation and what does it do?


What is the quadratic equation and what does it do?

In: 287

25 Answers

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A lot of things in life can be solved by mathematical formulas.

For instance, let’s say you’re traveling at 60 miles per hour and want to know how long will it take you to travel 180 miles.

Simple: 180 miles / 60 mph = 3 hours

Or more generally: X miles / Y mph = Z hours

There are a *lot* of formulas like this that humans have discovered and use to calculate and predict things (e.g. where will this rocket land if we launch it at this angle? where will the moon be at this time? etc). Many of these formulas happen to follow this pattern:

ax^2 + bx + c = 0

This pattern comes up frequently enough that we decided to just memorize the solution for finding x and give that formula a name we could refer to it as: the quadratic formula.

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