// what is the reason for region locking media?


Sorry if I’m using incorrect terminology.

Killing Eve is region locked to GB apparently and I vaguely remember El Orfanato being only available in Spain for a short while, but it’s seemingly not locked there anymore.

What is the reason for this? Isn’t it better and more profitable to not region lock?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a few big reasons.

1) Pricing differences – all items are priced for their local area, including media. This allows you to price an item more expensive in Norway, a wealthy nation, than you would in Laos, a lower income area.

2) Prevent cross-region selling and piracy – As in #1, if no region locked, why not just buy it cheap in Laos and re-sell it in Norway? This helps prevent that and applies an additional degree of piracy protection. This is like totally a thing and why lots of stuff is region locked.

3) Rights deal – Media rights are generally not owned worldwide, but handled on a country by country basis, often by local companies in the area, they each need to protect their situation. This is a big deal. If you buy rights, you don’t want others to people able to screw you over in some way. There are also a lot of legal implications in each country regarding intellectual property laws that need to be followed

>Isn’t it better and more profitable to not region lock?

Generally, no.

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