What is the reason for the grouping of similar businesses in close proximity in various locations?


What is the reason for the grouping of similar businesses in close proximity in various locations?

In: 7

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s actually drives more sales for all as people go there more certain they can find what they are looking for. But there are also reasons like desire for same customers/demographics, same shopping patterns, same location requirements, zoning laws.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Game Theory. There’s a really good TED ED video on it using the example of two ice cream salesmen working on the same beach. It simplifies things a bit but essentially it comes down to having multiple competitors in the same area being the best way to maximise your market share, even if a more spread out arrangement is better for the customers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone has talked about the sales side of things but there is another reason.

Talent availability, there is a very good reason the film and technology industries are now located where they are, that is because that is where the talent is.it becomes a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy people who want to work in the industry move to where the jobs are and the jobs move to where the people are.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone has talked about the sales side of things but there is another reason.

Talent availability, there is a very good reason the film and technology industries are now located where they are, that is because that is where the talent is.it becomes a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy people who want to work in the industry move to where the jobs are and the jobs move to where the people are.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Picture a 3×3 grid. A coffee shop sets on shop in the middle square. It gets traffic from all neighboring 8 squares. Starbucks wants to put up their own competing shop. If they put it in any of the remaining 8 squares, they will not get as much traffic as if they just simply also put it in the middle square, competing for market with the original shop.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Picture a 3×3 grid. A coffee shop sets on shop in the middle square. It gets traffic from all neighboring 8 squares. Starbucks wants to put up their own competing shop. If they put it in any of the remaining 8 squares, they will not get as much traffic as if they just simply also put it in the middle square, competing for market with the original shop.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Other people have mentioned some correct things but I also believe that your brain instead of asking g do I want mcdonalds or no? It asks do I want mcdonalds or burger king? Which inscreases sales for both competitors

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other people have mentioned some correct things but I also believe that your brain instead of asking g do I want mcdonalds or no? It asks do I want mcdonalds or burger king? Which inscreases sales for both competitors