What is the reason we don’t use the international phonetic alphabet when writing things?

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What is the reason we don’t use the international phonetic alphabet when writing things?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I grew up in denmark, the scandinavian languages have different versions of: æ ø å. Danish have a e i o u y æ ø å, all of those vovels each have min 3 diffeferent ways to pronause it. Its fine for us, its our local laguage, but swedish and norwegan have different versions of those many sounds too. Now yoy want everyone to learn our obscure only-used-here sounds, just like our total unique silent d’s for danish (wich is actualy different and not just one ‘silent’ d and a single normal d). Between danish, swedish and norwegian alone that would easely make up dosins of sounds no one ells uses, but you want to include those for everyone to learn?

Add spanish and french, and zulu with their click sounds, and all the otjer weird stuff. Yoy end up having a written language no one realy can master because there is sooooo many sounds they will never ever use in their lifetime. Thats why we dont use the phonetic alfabet globaly for everyone to learn.

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