What is the science behind naming of blood groups? Like what is that blood contains which makes it O-positive or O-negative?


What is the science behind naming of blood groups? Like what is that blood contains which makes it O-positive or O-negative?

In: 10

7 Answers

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There are 2 things at play.

The ABO type, and the rhesus factor.

Your blood can have A or B or both or neither of the AB-antigens. If you have A, you are A, if B then B, if both, you have AB. If you have neither, you have O, think of it as *zero* rather than a letter. Zero AB-antigens = 0.

The rhesus factor is a different molecule, and it is just either you have it (+) or don’t (-).

And from these you get the A or B or AB or 0, and the + or -.

As for what these antigens do, is a bit beyond the scope of an ELI5 question. Their purpose, in extremely simplified terms, is to boost the immunity of our blood against certain infections or parasites etc.

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