What is the source for gravity, or what causes it in things? I understand that way massive the object is, the force will be great (and depends on length between a second object too), then, the object creates it? How?


What is the source for gravity, or what causes it in things? I understand that way massive the object is, the force will be great (and depends on length between a second object too), then, the object creates it? How?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

TLDR: Science hasn’t progressed that far. We don’t know

The only thing we yet know about the ’cause’ of gravity is attributed to a particle known as graviton. It is also speculated and not yet proven.

There are 4 fundamental forces in the world. Arranged in descending power of strength:
1. Strong nuclear force
2. Weak nuclear force
3. Electromagnetic force ( a.k.a Coulomb’s force )
4. Gravitational force

Only 2nd and 3rd are bit understood in terms of cause. 1st and 4th are not. The day we understand the cause, mathematical relationship and pan-force analogy, we’ll have reached the Grand Unified Theory ( GUT ) which was and is the wet dream of thousands of physicists/ astro-physicists throughout the world and decades.

So your question is.. so when will the GUT be ready?

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