What is “Time” and how exactly does it work?


What is “Time” and how exactly does it work?

In: Physics

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Time is the phenomenon created by combining mass and energy. As energy is added to mass, the time phenomena increases. When mass is not moving time relative to it is both instantaneous and infinite. Our current concept of time is created by moving 2.1 million km/hr.

Source: I am high.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sean Carroll has a really great video on this. If you don’t feel like sitting through an hour, search for Minkowski Diagrams.

Lets think about a standard 2-D graph. Along the vertical axis you have time, along the horizontal axis you have distance.

You can draw a line through any two points on this graph.

That line will represent the relationship between space and time, also called velocity.

The greater the angle of the the line, the greater the velocity, the faster you move through the time axis. The lower the angle of the line the lower the velocity, the more you move through space and less through time.

It’s not the most intuitive thing, but I hope this helps.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would highly recommend that you read The Order Of Time by Carlo Rovelli. It is so far my favourite book about how time technically doesn’t exist and will lead you down a rabbit hole of further reading. Pretty easily digestible too, considering the subject


Anonymous 0 Comments

they’re hard to answer, because the two theories we have about how the universe work. treat time differently.

According to Special Relativity (which successfully explains virtually everything we know about huge astronomical bodies), time is one dimension of 4-dimensional *spacetime*, and different bodies can move through it at different speeds depending on their motion through the 3 spatial dimensions.

According to quantum theory (which successfully explains virtually everything we know about particle physics), time is just a background measuring stick that ticks by at a set rate always.

These two understandings of time aren’t compatible with each other, and neither theory can work with the other definition of time. So, time is one of the basic elements of existence that’s still really really hard to figure out. Honestly, I know links are discouraged here, but the wikipedia article for Time might blow you mind with how little we understand it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Time is a dimension, along with the three dimensions of space, that gives you a particular location in space and time. Asking how it works is sort of like asking how the y-dimension of up and down works. In the spatial dimensions, things can move in any of the directions of that dimension so long as they do not go faster than the speed of light. This is similar with time, but for some reason we don’t seem to be able to move backwards in time. This concept is often referred to as the “arrow of time” and it is an unsolved general physics problem. Another thing worth noting is that as we move faster through space relative to a stationary observer, the observer will measure our time as moving slower than their’s. The reasons for why all of these things happen get complicated and are sometimes still unsolved, but they are studied in field like special and general relativity, cosmology, and quantum mechanics (among other fields).

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is no experiment that can be done to prove or disprove the existence of time. Time could be something we believe in that doesn’t exist or it could exist. Time may or may not exist however what does exist is measurable actions that can be interpreted as taking a set amount of time such as the rotation of the Earth.

What is time then, basically it’s the duration between two points based on how long the Earth takes to rotate. So the duration between starting this comment and finishing can be measured against the Earths rotation and given a value which we call time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

time is the space between the beginning and the end… and… it works like this… in the beginning was division… God seperated… the first act in thinking… making distinctions… sorting things out.. segregating things… in the beginning was expansion and contraction… which beget… division… addition… multiplication… and… subtraction… therefore… accretion… the gradual build up over time… bit by bit…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Time is the monitoring of change and change only happens with energy. Time exists because energy exists but I think it is descriptive instead of prescriptive to an existential mind that can care about time’s being. The less energy the longer time takes (?). I am an amateur so don’t take what I’m saying as dogma. A crude analogy is being nuclear bored at work and time drags so, so slowly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Time is a measurement that lets you compare different amounts of energy to each other. Ignore most of these answers about quantum theory, quantum theory has lots of time involved in it and it means the same thing. The fact is that temperature, energy of a beam of light, work done on physical objects, can all be compared to each other by using tile to normalize comparisons.