What is Title 42


What is Title 42

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bypasses the usual process of immigration during a health crisis to “prevent the spread of disease.”

Instead of processing them, just send them right back.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Like YamahaRyoko said, it’s a way to use public health concerns as a warrant for skipping the bureaucratic process of asylum-seeking and just sending would-be migrants back.

It’s ending because COVID-19 restrictions across the country are ending, and it’s part of that.

Basically, illegal border crossing is always illegal, but under US law, you still have the right to *seek asylum* once you’ve tagged based on US soil. Title 42 said no, forget that, because of COVID. Now, the criteria for asylum seeking are actually going to become more strict under Biden, but it still relies on legal process to work.

Check me of course but that’s my understanding. I found [this AP article](https://apnews.com/article/immigration-biden-border-title-42-mexico-asylum-be4e0b15b27adb9bede87b9bbefb798d) helpful.