What is toxic positivity and what are some examples of it?


What is toxic positivity and what are some examples of it?

In: 71

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

An example of toxic positivity is the Progress Narrative. An example: my daughter is severely disabled. When folks learn this they will typically say “oh medicine/science has come so far… my friend had a kid with Xyz and he ended up being able to Abc in life.” It’s an outlook that diminishes reality and inhibits our ability to witness another’s situation and just see them. It’s the “things will get better” mentality that denies steady state existence. No, my girl doesn’t need to gain any additional skills or abilities. She may or may not get “better.” Better than what? we are happy. she is who she is and we love her. We have found joy and meaning and fulfillment right here, the way things are today. I think toxic positivity can deny the hard things we all deal with with this mentality that you cannot acknowledge any struggles. It intersects somewhere with the Prosperity Gospel which perpetuates Hustle Culture. But that’s just one example I’m sure there will be better answers here that I’ll upvote.

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